Are you feeling hotter than normal this summer? Is your electric bill super high each year in September? As the temperature rises, so do Max and Bella’s chances of experiencing heat-related problems. Our pets can easily suffer from heatstroke just like we can.
As the hot days of summer and fall descend upon us, Pet Sitters International (PSI) with whom I am a member outlines the symptoms if a pet is suffering from heatstroke. “High body temperatures and stress can cause a pet to go into heatstroke,” Ellen Price, PSI Academic Manager, says.
The signs of heatstroke can include:
- Uncontrollable panting
- Foaming at the mouth
- Depression
- Lethargy
- Agitation
- Vomiting
- Loss of consciousness
- Tongue and gums that turn from bright red to blue to gray
- Capillary refill time of more than two seconds
An important point is to be aware of the above possible signals of heat stroke with your pets. I also invite you to share these facts with your neighbors and friends who may not be aware of these symptoms.
Additionally, I ask have you seen pets chronically left outside with no shade, dog or cat house shelter, grass, dirt or water or left on concrete in the sun.
Two years ago I was informed by a pet client of a situation where for ten years two dogs had be left outside with no shade and only concrete to exist on. They were being fed by my male client as the family would leave the pets with no food for a week at a time.
The man heard the whining and cries of the dogs each day. The only food and water they received was from this male pet lover who was basically keeping them alive. My heart ached hearing this story and I decided to check the situation out for myself. It was worse than I imagined looking over the fence at the conditions.
I set out to find a positive solution for everyone involved by helping to re-home these two dogs that were bonded. I gently reached out to the owner, who was very willing to give the dogs up, and to two other local women who help rescue pets. We agreed to help to either foster or find a new forever home for these innocent dogs.
The owner signed a form to release the dogs, and within a month and good outreach, we found an amazing new family to adopt both the dogs. It touched my heart to finally see the matted little poodle-mix get a haircut and bath with a bow and the large Lab. dog smelling clean and fresh.
Today the two dogs that formerly lived in Sunland, outside, year round in the triple digits of summer now live in a fabulous home in Glendale. The new family has children and other pets and they love their adopted dogs!
This story is true and I hope that if you have pets of your own and care for that you will please be mindful of their wellbeing. We love pets, right? Then let’s do our part to prevent heat stroke and other health problems by being proactive with our best fury friends. Keep them inside with the A/C on if you can during the heat waves; provide shelter, shade, daily food and fresh water. The love they give us is worth it!