She was at the Pasadena Humane Society all by herself at twelve weeks old. I recall looking for almost a year for “the” dog at this SPCA, going and sharing kind words and thoughts to all the dogs waiting for their forever home.
But it was on a late Wednesday morning that I found her and she found me. She came right up to the edge of her dog run and those bright amber eyes twinkled back at me. My heart swelled. I felt like I’d found my family and in fact I did.
I cannot explain how connected my dog Sundae and I are except to say I find it hard to imagine my life without her in it. She is my best friend. We are very much in tune with each other and the tine has flown by these nine years.
Yes I’ve had many many pets of various species throughout my life yet never have I lived with love more than with Sundae.
So I share with my family, friends, and beloved pet clients the unconditional love that Sundae gives to me. It’s the circle of love and life.